Legion of Mary

“Ad Jesum Per Mariam”

“To Jesus through Mary”

The beginning of our praesidium – “Presidium of Our Lady Most Pure Heart of Mary”, goes back in history to 1982. Our school was a pioneer in starting the Legion of Mary at school level.

Since then, we have been serving beneath the standard of Mary, kindling everywhere the fires of divine love, enlightening those who are in darkness to bring back life to those who are dead in sin, all for the greater glory of God.

Holy Mass for the Feast of the Nativity of Our Blessed Lady

A beautiful celebration that honored the birth of the Virgin Mary. During this special Mass, we reflected on her life and the important role she played in God’s plan. It was a time to show gratitude for her example of faith and to seek her intercession. This mass truly brought us closer to Our Lady and deepened our relationship with her.

On this hallowed feast, the bearers of her Legion’s office were appointed and it was taken into note to have this special day as the official day to reform the Officers of The Legion of Mary.

The following legionaries were appointed as the Office Bearers for the years 2023/2024 :

President          :  Avril John
Vice President :  Mayrangel Wijesinghe
Secretary         :  Soraya Abeysekera
Treasurer         :  Sehanya Perera

Feast of the Visitation Holy Mass on the 26th of May

Statue Visitation ‘23

The Project ‘Statue visitation’ was a project where the statue of our
Blessed mother visited all the classes during the month of May,
enkindling a deep sense of devotion to Mother Mary among all
The students decorated their classrooms in the best way they could, to
welcome Our Blessed Mother and show their love and honour to her.

I felt thrilled to have the statue finally visit my class. To be honest I felt so happy and after the visitation, that day actually went really well for me.
I consider myself so privileged to have experienced this and I’m certain that every student in my class as well as everyone who entered it were truly blessed.”
– A humble thought of a Student

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