Eastern Band

Eastern Bands of the Recent Past

About the Band:

The Eastern band boasts an impressive variety of instruments, showcasing the diversity of musical expression. The rhythmic foundation is provided by the percussion drums such as the thammattama, getaberaya, yak berya, davula, the base drum and the cymbols as well as the tambourines. The flutes contribute to a melodic tune while providing expressive quality.

In addition to the band’s musical achievements, the band members also exemplify important qualities such as discipline, dedication and teamwork. They learn to listen to each other, blend their sounds and synchronize their playing, creating a cohesive and harmonious musical experience. Overall, our school eastern band is a source of inspiration, entertainment and pride for our school community and we look forward for our success and growth in the years to come.

Besides regular rehearsals, the band also participates in various events and performances within our school and the wider community. These performances not only allow the band to showcase their skills but also foster a sense of pride and unity among the entire school.

Teacher in charge and trainer is Mrs. Geetha Fernando.

Herencia 2023 - Cultural Day : 22nd June 2023

A day specifically meant to celebrate the Sinhala, Tamil and English cultural significance, the Eastern band played an important role not only in welcoming the chief guest on this occasion but also delighting the audience with a well trained performance during this event in celebration of the Sinhalese culture.

Kailasa Band Show : 17th June 2023

St.Bridget’s Convent Eastern Band took part in the annual band show held at St. Thomas College, Mt. Lavania which invites many prestigious schools in the country to participate to display their musical talents.

Athletic Meet Year 2022

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